Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Forgiveness "The Mental Gymnastics!!"

Okay, ladies let's talk... There is a healing that needs addressing more then ever. I believe it is an EPIDEMIC of sorts!!!! It is the "Mental Gymnastics we put ourselves through just so we can justify our unforgiving behavior. Okay, now wait before you say "What do you mean unforgiving behavior?"
Well, as a health and wellness coach and a professional stylist; I speak to women everyday and I hear their pain, anger, bitterness, fear, broken spirit, callousness and watch how emotionally paralyzed they are. I remember that place. I remember how it crippled me of knowing and being the best version of myself.

 I plea to you ladies to start the work of letting go..  It is liberating. FORGIVENESS!!!!  It is like a breath of fresh air after being trapped in smoke for hours. In the smoke you cannot see clearly. It represents the thickness of the pain.
There are some things that people do to you that cuts deep and you are justified in not speaking to them anymore. Most times you may feel justified in your anger. However, in hind site they have you just where they want you. They are taking your power away from you. Usually, as you entrap the space that could be occupied with your greatness with malice and anger in your heart ; the other person continues on with life as normal. You to them is an after thought. Where there is un-forgiveness, there is anger. Where there is anger there is fear. Where there is fear there is pain. Identify with the pain that you fear. Face it head on. Tell it " I have packed your bags and you are evicted!"  You cannot change the past. Holding on to that pain or anger will only prevent your blessing.. Let the Universe fight the battle for you. There is Karma. You've heard it. "What goes around, comes around." Forgiveness is for you in your heart. You don't have to tell the person that you forgive them or even speak to them. Howevr, you can release them from housing space inside you. Vacate the premises immediately..

Let your heart function the way it was made to function; with love.. When you do re-introduce yourself to your heart. Tell it you apologize for starving it of its birth-right. Tell your heart you will never let anyone come between the two of you again. Then finally look in the mirror and say " I love you enough to NEVER let anyone still our joy... Please be clear that this will not happen over night. It will require a lot of mental gymnastics. However, every time you think of the circumstance say this. "Thank you for the opportunity to grow from this lesson."  Repeat that over and over again until it is your truth. Acknowledge your pain and move on. Bitterness and anger never gets tired just like fire. As long as you feed it. It will grow. So please Forgive!!! LET GO THAT THE PAST CAN EVER CHANGE...
 Remember that I am hear as your sister to hold you accountable for your GREATNESS!! Mediocrity is not an option. You deserve to be the very best version of yourself.
I am your biggest fan... Email me and ask me how I did it for details on specific advice. Till then your sister loves you...