Saturday, December 28, 2013

AnnTaylor Announcement

colorblindwomen. com has had such an amazing response that the Ann Taylor on Newbury St is suggesting we move the event to a larger location with better parking. Thank you to all participants for responding and rsvping for this event .
As a result of your following it has been brought to my attention that tomorrow's event is being postponed so a bigger venue can be the host. The marketing department has stated that AnnTaylor of the Natick mall may be the bigger and better location to host with parking. Stay tune for further details. Thank you team for all your support.
Can't wait to meet you all.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Ann Taylor hosting colorblindwomen for the holidays join us!!

It is with great pleasure to inform you that AnnTaylor of Newbury Street will be hosting a
 colorblindwomen's event; allowing the followers to come shop in a private setting while refreshments are being served all followers will get between 20-30% discount on there purchases. This will be a private affair Please join us and meet me Dina Shackleton CEO of colorblindwomen,com while enjoying your shopping for the new year. I look forward to meeting you all. See you there ;-)!!

Location: 800 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02199
Date: Sunday December 29,2013
Time: 3pm - 5pm

Friday, December 6, 2013

Mandela Thank you for being obedient to your purpose!!!

WOW!!!!!  What a remarkable man to have marveled this earth as a servant. This man did not let  3 decades of imprisonment prevent him from owning his voice and purpose. I am saddened that his candle has burned out. However, I understand and respect the unknown powers that attaches to what we call life. Understanding that you matter and that your voice has a massive amount of power and strength is a revelation that is imperative. It is an ABSOLUTE MUST TO UNDERSTAND THAT your thoughts, mind, voice and movement is IMPORTANT!!!!!
It is important to find your purpose. You see, without a purpose in life it's easy to get side tracked with your life's journey. Its easy to wonder and drift through life aimlessly accomplishing very little. You owe it to yourself to contribute patriotically to the human race. You are a citizen of the human race. You don't have to be president, doctor, lawyer or Gandhi but by displaying the very BEST version of yourself is honoring the life that the Divine has given you.
With purpose everything in life seems to fall into place. To live and be on purpose means you are doing what you love to do,doing what your good at and accomplishing what is important to you. Make note; when you truly are on purpose, the people, resources and opportunities you need naturally gravitate towards you. Trust me the world benefits too; because when you act in alignment with your true life purpose, all of your actions automatically serve others. I know this for fact. As I began this blog to simply heal myself and to genuinely reach out to other women and let them know how important it is to love one another. How important it is to work in unity, to give each other support. I had no clue that this would take a life of its own. The universe embraced my gift because we are in alignment together. I want this for you too.
I challenge you today to dare dig deep inside the core of your being and discover your purpose. When you do please let your sister (me) know all about it. Email me and let me showcase your journey....
Congrats in advance,,,,